Provider Benefits

  1. Compliance: Medicare is very strict on wanting the provider prescribing for a patient to have an existing or ongoing relationship. This has been a challenge in the telehealth space since the provider may never speak to that patient again after the initial consultation. With RPM/CCM the provider will not only have a relationship with the patient but it will be ongoing for the life of that patient. The patient must agree and participate with this program for them to be part of RPM so there is never the occasion where a patient is unsure of the provider/patient relationship. This patient will be contacted by someone within the RPM/CCM group at least 20 minutes per month and will be monitored remotely for whatever their individual conditions may be. This is the most effective and compliant patient relationship available remotely.
  1. Most Medicare Patients will qualify: There are 14 different areas of illness that qualify a patient for RPM/CCM
    • Hypertension
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Heart Failure
    • Arthritis
    • Cancer
    • Alzheimer
    • Asthma
    • Atrial Fibrillation
    • Autism
    • Chronic Constructive Pulmonary Disease
    • Depression
    • Ischemic Heart Disease
    • Osteoporosis
  1. Lifetime Patient Care: Medicare will compensate the RPM program for the life of the patient as long as the patient is being monitored and followed up on properly.
  1. Multiple Marketing Opportunities: Once the patient becomes a RPM patient that are many different opportunities that will be available since the patient will have a lifetime relationship with the provider. These include but not limited to:
    • Lab
    • Pharmacy
    • DME
    • Annual Wellness
    • Allergy
    • Transitional Care

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