The ULTIMATE Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring Success

Request more information on how Remote Patient Monitoring can impact your practice or telehealth group.

    Remote Patient
    Monitoring made easy

    RPM doesn't have to be complicated. We make it easy for physicians, patients and staff with our seamless EHR integration.

    Fast implementation for your clinic or telehealth group!

    What is Remote Patient Monitoring?

    RPM is the use of digital technologies to monitor and capture medical and other health data from patients and electronically transmit this information to healthcare providers for assessment and, when necessary, recommendations and instructions. RPM allows providers to continue tracking healthcare data for patients once they are discharged. It also encourages patients to take more control of their health.

    Order Patients a Monitoring Device

    We provide patients an EHR-connected monitoring device that monitors blood pressure, glucose, pulse ox, and/or weight. Devices send data automatically and digitally back to our platform and the provider's EHR.

    Respond to Abnormal Readings

    When patients have abnormal readings, one of your or our 24/7 clinical team of nurses and MAs will call your patient, assess, and escalate only those cases that need to be escalated, minimizing disruption to you and your practice.

    Bill the Payer for Providing RPM

    Your staff or our clinical team's interactions with your patients generates time towards the time-based RPM codes that you will bill Medicare (or other payer) monthly. We also offer complete RPM billing services generating clean claims.

    Better Patient
    and Practice Care

    Healthcare has two sides: Patient care and practice care. Complete RPM improves both, with a suite of tools that help physicians make the most of value-based care initiatives by ensuring eligibility, streamlining process’, and saving physicians up to 30 minutes on each preventive assessment. The result: better-documented care quality and improvement, improved reimbursements, and most importantly, more time for meaningful physician-patient connection.

    High-Touch Care

    Our clinical team of English and Spanish-speaking nurses and MAs monitor your patients' incoming readings 24/7, acting as an extension of your practice. We call your patients and assess whether their situation needs to be escalated to you, helping you provide concierge-level care without needing to hire staff.

    Quality Scores

    With our EHR integrations, your patients' improved readings will flow seamlessly into your EHR, helping you achieve higher scores on your quality metrics, like blood pressure. The majority of patients on our Remote Patient Monitoring program show significantly improved physiologic readings within 30 days.

    How We Do Remote Patient Monitoring

    We make Remote Patient Monitoring EASY.

    Robust RPM Platform

    Having a robust RPM platform is essential to the success of any RPM program. Our easy-to-use proprietary RPM platform was designed specifically to maintain all required patient information to substantiate and maximize all medical billing. The documentation required for billing along with the correct alerts and consultation timers can add additional revenues that other RPM platforms would not capture. All work and patient-calls made through our platform are automatically recorded and time stamped, creating a secure audit trail. Our platform includes a EHR but can be used with a provider’s existing EHR/CMR.


    It is imperative that copays and deductibles be collected with any Medicare patient. Overlooking this can not only result in patient chargebacks but can result in legal action. Our collection group understands the mindset of the Medicare patient and will make attempts to collect their outstanding balance with a non-aggressive approach. We make sure that all collection attempts are well documented and provable in case of an audit.


    The ultimate success of the RPM program is to have the right number of monitored patients to support the vision of the practice. If the practice does not have a large Medicare demographic or would like to grow the RPM program past their own existing patient base, we are able to offer marketing that will drive patients to the provider's RPM program resulting in more opportunity. This can be done on a local basis or the provider can expand their medical licenses to include other states and we then could market for them in those states as well.

    Medical Support

    Most providers and their staff do not have enough time to dedicate the manpower needed per patient per month to maximize the RPM patient revenues. This is one of the main reasons that RPM fails or is put on the back burner of a clinic. We can provide the right medical support to not only understand the healthcare needs of the patient but also how to work with our platform to maximize billing. Our MA’s are cross trained to work with the patient and their conditions and suggest to the doctor different testing that may be appropriate to create additional revenue opportunities. The doctor then has only to monitor the MA’s handling of the patient and sign off on any prescriptions or testing that needs to be done. These additional tests also will generate more consultations.


    Our devices are cost effective and state of the art. They come with 4g or 5g technology. which is especially important since Bluetooth devices are becoming obsolete and have a negative track record of misreading patient vitals.


    To maximize revenue potential it is important to work with a billing group with RPM experience that understands how to utilize the right codes to generate the highest revenues available for the services provided to your patient. Our billing group has been working with RPM and will make sure that the revenues you are generating are properly billed and received.

    Our Remote Patient
    Monitoring Hardware

    We provide EHR-connected blood pressure monitors, glucometers, pulse oximeters and weight scales with these features:

    • Built-in integration with cloud-based EHRs
    • Newest Technology Devices
    • Device consumables (lancets, test strips, batteries) included
    • HIPAA-compliant secure data transmission
    • No WiFi, Bluetooth, tablet, or smartphone required for the patient

    Clinical Team

    Our clinical monitoring team of nurses and MAs monitors your patients 24/7, responding to readings, calling, assessing and escalating relevant cases to you.

    • Experience Medical Professionals
    • Full knowledge of potential additional testing available
    • RPM Trained and Certified
    • HIPAA and FWA Trained and Certified
    • 24/7 Patient Coverage
    • English and Spanish

    Whom We Help


    Provide higher quality care by allowing you to access your patient’s vital signs despite COVID-19. Generate new revenue while getting your patients more involved in their own care.

    Health Systems

    Deploy hospital-at-home and safe-discharge programs by enrolling patients in post-discharge RPM programs designed to reduce readmissions and expand hospital capacity.

    Risk-Bearing Entities

    Strategically install RPM capabilities with high-risk and rising-risk members to establish improved communication and health accountability with your costliest members.

    Here's How it Works

    Most patients – 82% – report that they would be willing to wear technology for health tracking. Complete RPM makes leveraging their information (and being reimbursed for it all) a similarly happy experience for practitioners.

    We make it simple:


    Sign up quickly and easily with Complete RPM.


    Enroll your patient(s) by adding their information into the Complete RPM system and designating what device you’d like them to receive. We take care of outreach and patient education.


    Click "ship" and your patient will receive their device in their home.


    Review data from your patient's device in the Complete RPM portal or your integrated EMR. Staff are automatically notified if a patient’s readings enter a specified caution or critical range, and reports can be customized to best suit your workflows. Finally, if you are logging time toward RPM management billing codes, Complete RPM automatically tracks that too!


    Get paid. The Complete RPM billing system generates a report every month clearly showing all billable RPM codes for each patient. Fees are charged only for billable RPM patients and include the connected device, cellular service, hosting and customer support. We simply submit your claims at the start of each month.


    When you reach out to our friendly service. Hear what physicians using Complete RPM Remote Patient Monitoring have to say:

    Ready to setup your clinic?

    Just click the links below to talk to a member of our sales team or to learn more about our Remote Patient Monitoring solution. Get your clinic setup in under 24 hours.

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      Remote Patient Monitoring
      made easy & done right.